Our NEW Dental Clinic is OPENING SOON!

BEAUFORT COUNTY, S.C. (WTOC) – It is easy for Pam Toney to estimate how long the free medical clinic she runs in Bluffton has been waiting to add dental service.
“10 years. We are celebrating our 10th anniversary and when the clinic was in the dream stage, that was one of the things we wanted. So, it has taken us a long time to get here,” she said.
Many of you have supported a past “Bourbon & Bubbly Gala” or “Christmas in July” which were major fundraisers for BJVIM. Proceeds from these events funded vital programs to include patient visits, laboratory tests, imaging services, specialty care referrals, eye glasses and dental appointments. We would like to ask this year, in lieu of purchasing a special event ticket, that you consider the purchase of an “Island Getaway” raffle ticket. The Raffle tickets are $100 each or “Friend of the Clinic” packages of 6-tickets for $500.
Fraser Construction is working hard to have our dental clinic complete sometime in November so that we may begin treating our patients’ dental needs.
You may have noticed a new face in the office at BJVIM recently. We are excited to have Lee McSavaney join our team as the new office manager. Lee has jumped right in and is working very hard to understand our clinic needs. Originally from England, Lee retired from her career in financial accounting and administration to raise a family and explore exciting opportunities overseas offered through her husband’s career in International Technical Product Marketing. Expatriate life in Westford, MA, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Roswell, GA, finally led the family to the Lowcountry. In 2007, more than 20 years after leaving the UK, Lee and her husband, Dave, made their final relocation, to their “forever” home in Moss Creek. Upon becoming a U.S. Citizen, Lee was able to refresh her administrative skills and resume her career.
(JASPER COUNTY, S.C.) Peacock Subaru Hilton Head presented $10,125 to Greater Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine (BJVIM) at the conclusion of its annual Subaru Share the Love event. This total more than doubles the amount raised last year.
A message from the Staff and Board of Directors of the Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine
The mission of the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics is to ensure the medically underserved have access to affordable health care. The NAFC and its members are dedicated to ensuring that patients receive quality health care. To quantify and qualify the care provided at the Free and Charitable Clinic network, the NAFC formalized a set of Quality Standards for member organizations.