Preparations for our biggest fundraiser of the year began in early January thanks to the tireless efforts of board members Dot Jeger and Zina Harter. We are still waiting to get the final donations in from our Fund-A-Need campaign but it looks like we brought in over $75,000! All proceeds will go to patient care.
BJVIM in “In the News” on WHHI-TV talking about this year’s Bourbon & Bubbly event to be held October 24th, 2019 at The River Club in Oldfield Plantation.
While December 25th is a few months away, Christmas was celebrated recently in a big way at BJVIM. Growing each year, this year’s Christmas in July fundraiser was a huge success in raising over $16,000 for patient services! 110 people including event sponsors, BJVIM volunteers and community friends, enjoyed an evening of holiday music, delicious food prepared by Hawg Wild BBQ and fellowship.
Thanks to KML Computer Service for sponsoring our Bluffton Chamber Coffee morning. Thank you also to the Grind for donating all the coffee and to Kroger on Buckwalter for donating donuts.
Special thank you to Joel Taylor for being the guest speaker and bringing news information about Coastal Carolina Hospital. About 50 people attended the morning coffee!!
April was National Volunteer Appreciation Month. Special thanks to Hannah for designing all the wonderful treats that appeared in the breakroom during the week of April 8th. The work and dedication of all of our volunteers is what makes our clinic so very special. You will be happy to know we received our certification status. It takes 67 volunteers to operate our clinic each week! Many of our volunteers work multiple shifts. Thank you for your continued care and support!
A new episode of The County Channel’s series Coastline discusses health & safety. Joining host Rick Forschner is Pam Toney, executive director for the Greater Bluffton & Jasper Volunteers in Medicine.
Peacock Subaru has donated $4,875 to Greater Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine as part of the annual Subaru Share the Love event.
The funds were raised during November and December 2018. Each Subaru buyer could decide whether to donate a portion of the purchase price to a national charity or Peacock Subaru’s hometown nonprofit, the local chapter of Volunteers In Medicine.