Our Commitment to Social Justice


A message from the Staff and Board of Directors of the Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine:

We at BJVIM would like to take this moment to show our support for the end of systemic racism and senseless violence. We also confirm our desire to do our part towards bringing about a positive change.

As frontline care givers, we are all too aware that people of color are suffering at a greater rate from COVID-19. This pandemic has highlighted what we at the medical community have always known: racial, societal and economic factors have a direct impact on people’s health and their ability to access health care. Without primary care for underlying illnesses on people’s health and their ability to access health care. Without primary care for underlying illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension, people of all color are especially vulnerable to challenges like COVID-19.

The core values that drive us in our daily quest to provide access to care for medically underserved people and seek to address health equity for our patients. We dedicate ourselves to these values:

COMMUNITY – The continued health and well-being of our community is our highest priority.

COMMITMENT – We are dedicated to serving the needs of our patients and providing quality professional health care to any individual in our community with limited access to health care.

COMPASSION – We value and respect all human life and strive to protect human dignity while improving the quality of life and health for all our patients.

CARING – We stand with those who believe in the right of all people, regardless of race and economic status to have quality health care.

We remain committed to working toward health equity and to addressing the societal barriers that negatively influence people’s health. We will work within our community to be agents of change, hope and healing in a time where all three are so desperately needed.