Local photographer Jackie Friel donated some of her work to adorn blank notecards that Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine is selling at local farmers markets. You can purchase the boxes online below and then pick them up at the Burnt Church Road clinic. Or give Pam Toney a call at 843-706-7090.
BJVIM Giving Tree-2017

As we reflect on the past year we have many accomplishments to be proud of; the opening of our Jasper County clinic, increased partnerships with community healthcare providers, vision screenings and dental programs. While we are proud of these accomplishments we have also seen the need for our services to grow.
Community support is vital in enabling us to care for those who cannot afford healthcare coverage. The medical services that our patients receive are made possible by a staff of compassionate medical and nonmedical volunteers who give tirelessly to ensure that each patient is treated with care and respect.
Neighbors like you have always responded to the needs of its most vulnerable population. This year your donation is even more important as many in our community have suffered great hardships as a result of Hurricane Matthew. Making your tax-deductible donation to the Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine ensures the availability of quality healthcare to those less fortunate and it allows us to continue to carry out our mission.
Mobile pregnancy van coming to Ridgeland
(Published in the Jasper Sun Times)
Bluffton-Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine is collaborating with the Pregnancy Center & Clinic of the Low Country (PCCLC) to offer a mobile pregnancy van in Jasper County each week.
BJVM has been operating in Ridgeland since June with family medicine and ophthalmology services.
Giving Back this Holiday Season
Like most non-profit organizations, the Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine (BJVIM) depends on grants and donations to keep their doors open. However, there are other ways to give back that can help.
Pam Toney, executive director of BJVIM, said a great way to raise money and market your own business is to sponsor an event. Earlier this year, Tiger Bass sponsored its 9th Annual 5K/12K Race for runners and walkers of all ages. The event included an after party, food trucks, live music, face painting and more. This is the second year BJVIM has received funds from Tiger Bass. Last year, Tiger Bass raised $14,000.
Evening benefits Volunteers in Medicine
(Published in the Jasper Sun Times)
Bluffton-Jasper Volunteers in Medicine hosted a fundraiser Thursday evening at September Oaks Vineyard in Ridgeland. The event featured Martin Sauls, Shannon Tanner, Kelley Richardson and Ridgeland’s Ellen Malphrus, a USCB professor and author of “Untying the Moon.”
There was a silent auction for many items.
This year BJVM opened its facility on Jacob Smart Boulevard in Ridgeland. It provides primary care services with four exam rooms, including one dedicated for eye exams.
Mental health volunteers needed
(Published by Bluffton Today)
Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine is in search of licensed professionals looking to give back to the community where they live and work.
The practice is seeking trained mental health specialists to serve as volunteers at its Bluffton and Ridgeland clinics.
“Many patients coming to the clinic have health problems that contribute to employment issues, relationship problems and functioning in the world,” said Dr. Helene Stoller, a 25-year psychologist volunteer at the clinic.
A welcome sight: Free vision screenings in Ridgeland
(Published by Jasper Sun Times)

BJVIM board chair Chad Williams cut the ribbon with Dr. James Kondor.
Editorial: Medical facility continues growth
(Published by Jasper County Sun Times)
The health of our county’s residents continues to be a priority.
Two months after Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine opened an office in Ridgeland, this week a ribbon-cutting is set to welcome the facility’s introduction of free vision screenings.
Mental Health Specialists Needed at Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine
The Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine (BJVIM) is seeking trained Mental Health specialists who are interested in volunteering their time at the Bluffton and Ridgeland clinics.
“Many patients coming to the clinic have health problems that contribute to employment issues, relationship problems, and functioning in the world,” said Dr. Helene Stoller, a 25-year psychologist who volunteers at the clinic.
Ribbon Cutting Planned for new Bluffton Jasper Volunteers In Medicine Eye Clinic
Patients from Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine (BJVIM) will soon have access to free vision screenings. Thanks to generous donations from local Lions Clubs, individuals and grants, a room in the Ridgeland clinic has been outfitted with state-of-the art ophthalmic equipment.
“We will be one of only a handful of free clinics in South Carolina to have an ophthalmic exam on site,” said Pam Toney, BJVIM executive director.
A ribbon cutting is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. August 19 at the Ridgeland Clinic, located at 11332 N. Jacob Smart Blvd. The public also is invited to free vision screenings completed by the Sun City Lions Club from 1-3 p.m.