For the past 18 months, the organizers at the Bluffton Volunteers in Medicine clinic have worked to get care to those in need in Jasper County and slowly its become a reality.
Opening June 9th, the new clinic will offer a variety of primary care services for those without insurance, and making less than the poverty rate. Folks in Jasper County up until now, had the choice of driving to the Bluffton clinic, going straight to the hospital, or not receiving care at all.
“They would come here, they would apply, we would make sure that they number one, they don’t have insurance, and number two they meet our income qualifications. and then we would get them hooked up with a primary care physician who would meet their needs,” said Pam Toney, director.
And Toney says we need this clinic, and so do many living in Jasper county
“Right now we have 2,700 patients that are uninsured that receive our services, of that 2,700, 650 are from Jasper County. And so, its very difficult for them at times to get to Bluffton. Sometimes they hitchhike, sometimes they ride their bike, and so this will be an opportunity for them to have a medical home here in jasper county, especially here in Ridgeland.”