Join us at
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Wilson Village Green at Palmetto Bluff
Golf Tournament: 10:00 AM
Cocktail Hour: 6:00 PM
Gourmet Dinner: 6:45 PM | Live Auction: 8:00 PM
Preservation Hall Jazz Band: 8:30 – 10:00 PM
Get dressed to the nines for a night of fundraising, food and wine, a live auction with incredible packages and art, dancing, and jazz on the Wilson Village Green.
During the day, Palmetto Bluff members and guests are invited to participate in a charity tournament on the May River Golf Course sponsored by @WheelsUp. And in the days leading up to the big night, bid on original artwork from Palmetto Bluff’s Artists in Residence and FLOW Gallery + Workshop, as well as generously donated items from the Bluffton community and beyond, in our online silent auction.
This event will benefit some of our most deserving Bluffton neighbors @bgcofthelowcountry @blufftonselfhelp, Greater Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine, Lowcountry Foundation for Wounded Military Heroes, and Palmetto Bluff Conservancy.
✨Tickets are on sale now!

Proceeds benefit Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine to help provide free medical care to the uninsured of Greater Bluffton and Jasper County with an emphasis on preventative medicine and health education.
In operation since 2011, BJVIM’s new Bluffton facility is located at 29 Plantation Business Park, Units 601-604. There is a second office located in Ridgeland at 11332 N. Jacob Smart Blvd. BJVIM operates with the help of 110 medical and non-medical volunteers, including bilingual volunteers that speak Spanish. BJVIM sees an average of 100 patients a week and requires a minimum of 67 volunteers per week to operate; this includes administrative staff, doctors and nurses.
Bluffton-Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine is one of over 90 independent clinics under the guidance of the National Volunteers in Medicine Alliance. The clinics offer free medical exams, counseling and nutritional services, as well as preventative disease education. The greater Bluffton and Jasper County clinic sees more than 2,000 patients a year.