Many of you have supported a past “Bourbon & Bubbly Gala” or “Christmas in July” which were major fundraisers for BJVIM. Proceeds from these events funded vital programs to include patient visits, laboratory tests, imaging services, specialty care referrals, eye glasses and dental appointments. We would like to ask this year, in lieu of purchasing a special event ticket, that you consider the purchase of an “Island Getaway” raffle ticket. The Raffle tickets are $100 each or “Friend of the Clinic” packages of 6-tickets for $500.
The BJVIM “Island Getaway Raffle” was conceived as an alternative to these special events in order to generate additional needed revenue. This would be a great way to support the clinic, add a special stocking stuffer gift for a family member and possibly WIN One of the Ten amazing prizes this Holiday Season!

Proceeds benefit Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine to help provide free medical care to the uninsured of Greater Bluffton and Jasper County with an emphasis on preventative medicine and health education.
Thank you to our wonderful sponsors who generously donated to make these getaways possible.