The Greater Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine clinic has moved into its new home at 29 Plantation Business Park, Units 601-604 in Bluffton. A ribbon-cutting was held Sept. 28.
The clinic previously was located at 1 Burnt Church Road in Bluffton. The move comes as an effort to better serve and expand the services offered to its clients.
Practitioners in the clinic started seeing patients Sept. 10 by appointment. The new clinic will now include a pharmacy, offices and exam rooms.
Donors to BJVIM stepped up in a big way this summer to help close on this new facility, with a goal to raise $80,000 in order to complete renovations and open the doors by Sept. 10. The campaign was kicked off with a significant contribution by Palmetto Electric Cooperative. BJVIM also received a grant from the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry in order to get this project started.
“This is an exciting time for both the volunteers and the patients of the Greater Bluffton Jasper Volunteers in Medicine,” said Pam Toney, executive director of BJVIM. “It is wonderful to be part of a community that truly cares for those in need.”
See the original article in the Bluffton Sun.
Published: October 2, 2018